This story goes back to July in Yakuwa River with members of Sendai Gensui Kai.They suggested us Mitsuke River is one of attractive one they have challenged, though we had planed to go directly into Rotaki Fall in Yakuwa River.
Ookushi San unfortunately canceled, so Hama-chan, Fuku-chan and me started from the back-water.

On the first day, we followed the disappearing road on the right bank,
and crossed over the river with slightly increased water.
We started TAKIBI party with MAMUSHI hi-ball after we got a few IWANA for our dinner.

On the second day, that is really our IWANA paradise!
Lots of IWANA bite our flies and KEBARI innocently.

美しいとしか言いようがない。We can only say "Baautiful"



We arriverd at a branch with OBARAMEKI Sawa through the light sound Hama-chan and Fuku-chan swung their fly-rods.

Hama-chan and I went up to deeper sight to get a big fish with big smile after Fuku-chan went back to TENBA(tent site).


We went up to just before a branch with TAKAMATSU sawa and IWANATOME Falls even though lots of IWANA bite our flies anywhere they seemed to be.
We agreed there is no limit for us to go up, and we look forward to going over the fall next time.


Our final party started with carpaccio, NUTA(miso mixed with vinege and sugar) and TSUMIRE-nabe(boiled vegetable and chopped IWANA, onion with salt and pepper)

We really appriciated Fuku-chan cooked chopped IWANA for a long time with few beer even though we drunk much next to Fuku-chan

焚火とイワナつみれ鍋。Bonfire and IWANA tsumire-nabe.

Unfortunately we need to back home after excellent party with bonfire and good sleep under full star.
Our TENBA(tent site) is lying as it has been there, and we always do not want to back home.

今回の悪だくみ三人組。The evil three for this three days.


We were very lucky to enjoy Yonezawa Beef at YONEZAWA-GYUTEI "GUDDO" in Yonezawa city.

Mitsuke River is so attarctive from a different perspective than Yakuwa and Iwaimata
even though I can not say clearly.
But it is clear that we want to go to Mitsuke river again.

渓に棲むTOPへ 山遊伝のTOPへ

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